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Global Translation System (GTS)

Give employees a single source of truth in their own language - without all the hassles


Traditional translation methods are costly and error-prone

Many software products provide push-button translation but haven’t yet solved the biggest barriers to realizing benefits. Common issues include:

  • Too many handoffs and manual processes.
  • No way to track language versions and changes, which can lead to non-compliance and liability risk.
  • Too many tasks are done outside the system, which is inefficient and error-prone.
  •  Unnecessary burden on your language specialists and project manager.

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Frustrated translator - Zavanta GTS


Gamechanger for policy and procedure translation

Zavanta’s Global Translation System (GTS) provides language translation and automates the complete life cycle for all language versions. 

  • Thousands of dollars in time and cost savings across all documents and versions.
  • Reduced risk and non-compliance. Even the smallest 
    translation error can increase risk and legal liability.
  • Equitable and inclusive operations improves employee morale and retention. Each employee has a portal in their own language. 

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Transform translation into a lean process

Beyond the initial translation, what about updating, review cycle complexity, publishing, change tracking, and project management?

After a small change, just the re-formatting alone of a document can account for 20% of translation costs!

Zavanta’s GTS solves the problems inherent in conventional translation methods, streamlining all work tasks into a standardized, lean process.  ​


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GTS over view - Zavanta

No re-formatting.

When content changes, reformatting can take up valuable time. Zavanta completely eliminates mind-numbing re-formatting.


Autogenerate all
outputs at once.

Press a button and auto-generate all multi-lingual outputs: mobile, print, and manuals. 


Language workflows.

Workflows are automatically created. Approved documents are automatically published to the appropriate language portal. 


Changes synced.

Language versions are linked together, so changes are automatically synced across documents. 


Audit trail for all.

Reduce liability risk because version control and changes for all language documents are auditable. 


Review ONLY what's changed.

Language experts only have to translate what’s changed, not the entire document over again. 

Click through a demo of our Global Translation System below

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