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Zavanta Software

SOP and Policy Management

Zavanta Overview

Trusted by Our Clients

Customers love Zavanta for its user-friendly interface and efficient policy and procedure management. But don't just take our word for it—check out our G2 ratings!

Traditional methods to create, communicate, and manage policies and procedures aren't working.

Create a single source of truth with Zavanta 

Clearly communicated and accessible SOPs and policies are essential for any organization. Together, they provide a roadmap for daily operations and good decision-making. Regulatory and accreditation bodies require them, as well as proof employees are using them.      

Yet, many businesses continue to flounder with decentralized documents contained in silos in file-sharing services like SharePoint, in binders on a shelf, or outdated versions saved on a desktop.  

Your customized and branded employee portal will become your single source of truth for policies, procedures, work instructions, and more. Learn more about the Zavanta user experience.

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The Power of Management Automation

Zavanta is an end-to-end system that centralizes and streamlines the content creation process for your subject matter experts and delivers user-friendly content for a better audience experience.  

All-in-one system

Automate all document life cycle phases

Zavanta is a complete solution. Authoring support is seamlessly integrated with content management and publishing.   

Workflows automate tasks together across all phases: authoring, reviews, publishing, versioning, and notifications. Zavanta gives you visibility to the entire process. You can see where any document is in the flow from your dashboard. 

View the Zavanta Product Guide
chart of complete policy and procedure life cycle

Structured content model

SOPs and Policies have unique characteristics: high volume, fast-change, diverse audience. Uniformity is a must-have.  

Free-form text entered into MS Word templates lack needed controls, structure, and built-in intelligence.  

Zavanta captures knowledge content and breaks it up into logical units or "chunks" stored in a database so that it is easier to find, use, update, translate, track, validate, monitor, and re-purpose for different audiences and applications.

Learn more in our blog post: What is Structured Content, and What are the Benefits?

Structured content model diagram

Link policies to procedures 

Zavanta's unique "drill-down" architecture links high level processes and policies to the standard operating  procedures (SOPs) employees should follow to comply with policies.  

The result: you have a complete ecosystem that connects all the information people need to do their jobs, not just one part of the picture. You can take any process and walk someone through it from start to finish.

Image of employees looking at how a process breaks down into procedures linked to policies

Break down knowledge transfer barriers

Make it easy for your experts to share their know-how.Why force people to stare at a blank screen wondering what to write or waste time formatting documents? That's the old way. 

Zavanta's guided authoring wizard provides the performance support people need and automatically formats everything. Anyone can create a "smart" SOP, which means someone unfamiliar with the task can follow the procedure and do the job correctly, with minimal supervision.

subject matter expert showing an SOP he has written
Know-how at the point of use.

Updated and relevant SOPs are just a click away

Imagine if employees had access to the know-how they needed at the moment they were performing a task? 

With Zavanta, you can link "how-to" instructions directly into work. Employees have easy access to the SOPs they need at the moment they are performing the task. One click, no searching! 

Link standards, policies, and SOPs into your LMS. Insert SOPs into HR and CRM systems. Embed relevant content into call center scripts. The applications are limitless. 

Image of the complete policy and SOP life cycle

With the right policy and procedure system, imagine what you could accomplish.

Case Studies

30-plus years of benefits for our clients

Our customers have achieved game-changing results:

  • Standardized global operations
  • Operationalized quality and compliance
  • Streamlined SOC2 audits
  • Automated policy management

Are you getting these kinds of outcomes with your own policies and procedures?

Read more client stories in our case studies.

Read Case Studies

30 plus years experience Comprose

Additional Resources

What is Structured Content, and What are the Benefits?

Zavanta, our SOP Management Software, is built on a structured content model.  Content built on structured data is more adaptable and reusable, which makes ongoing maintenance much easier with mass updates.  Learn more about the benefits in this blog.

Difference Between Policy, Procedure, Work Instructions

One of the biggest hurdles our clients have to overcome is separating their giant 500-page manuals into separate documents for policy, procedure, and work instructions. Our blog helps to explain the differences

What Is Guided Authoring, and What Are the Benefits?

Structured content and guided authoring go hand-in-hand. Zavanta includes a wizard that prompts your authors to complete a series of fields to ensure every document is consistent and comprehensive. Say goodbye to writer's block.

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