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Zavanta Analytics: Webinar Recap

Zavanta Analytics: Webinar Recap

In our recent webinar, we dove deep into Zavanta’s analytics, a powerful tool that provides organizations with crucial insights into how policies and procedures are being used within your organization. If you missed the session, don’t worry — we’ve got you covered. 

In this blog, we’ll recap key points discussed during the webinar, focusing on how Zavanta’s analytics can help you track engagement, identify gaps in usage, and improve overall policy compliance. Whether you’re an administrator looking to streamline processes or a leader aiming to drive better accountability, Zavanta’s analytics offer valuable data that helps you make informed decisions. 

A Look into the Zavanta Analytics Dashboard 

With a user-friendly interface, Zavanta’s analytics allow companies to track how often policies are accessed, identify key trends in employee engagement, and monitor compliance. We’ve highlighted the analytics charts that are already accessible in your Utilities and Reports dashboard  

But please note: The information below is just part of the Zavanta analytics our clients have access to! There are also downloadable spreadsheets that give even more information to use in your system analysis. 

Most Searched Terms 

The Most Searched Terms chart highlights the top ten most searched terms within the time period you’ve selected. Employees may be searching for terms either when they need to access information quickly or if a document is hard to find.  Most Searched Terms chart

To analyze, here are some examples of questions that you may ask yourself. 

  • Do employees use different terminology than you use in your document names? 
  • Is there a disconnect between the Admin’s vision of the Portal setup and how employees/readers use it? Would education for users be helpful? 
  • Have searches increased for a procedure on how to do something? Perhaps more training for a particular task is needed? Or does documentation need to be created?  
  • Are employees searching for a procedure that is not yet in Zavanta?  This data may help you make your case to have that content created. 

Most Viewed Documents 

The Most Viewed Documents chart highlights the top ten most viewed documents within the time period you’ve selected. These are the documents your readers used most often during that time, whether for a frequently completed task or for a document sent to employees that needs to be read.  Most Viewed Documents chart

To analyze, here are some examples of questions that you may ask yourself. 

  • Are these documents in the easiest location to find? 
  • Is there a procedure document you need people to use regularly?  
  • Is there a document you need all employees to view during a certain time frame?  


The Sessions chart highlights the total unique sessions per day for a selected time period. A session is defined as a single visit to a website, including all interactions that occur during that visit, until the user leaves or remains inactive. For this chart, a new session is recorded if there is inactivity for more than 30 minutes.  Sessions chart

To analyze, here are some examples of questions that you may ask yourself. 

  • Does usage peak on days when you send an email encouraging people to log in? (showing this to senior leaders can show the effectiveness of communicating about Zavanta) 
  • Was there a peak in sessions due to a deadline in a Read Verify workflow?  
  • Was there a peak in sessions when you launched documents in a second language?  

As a note: it is important for this chart to put numbers in context. For example, if 100K people have Zavanta portal access and you have 500 sessions in a day, that may be lower than expected. On the other hand, if there are 2K people who have access and you have 500 sessions in a day, that is something to celebrate!  

Page Views 

The Page Views chart shows the number of times a page has been viewed over a specific period of time. It provides insights into user engagement and website traffic by illustrating trends in how often visitors are accessing a page. Page Views chart

To analyze, here are some examples of questions that you may ask yourself. 

  • Do page views correlate with training sessions, workflow, or email communications that drive usage?  
  • Are you getting a consistent usage rate? Are views increasing? Decreasing?  
  • Have you recently expanded into a new department? Or added a new batch of documents?  

Unique Visitors 

The Unique Visitors chart shows how many users are logging into the system. Unlike page views or sessions, which can count multiple visits or interactions by the same person, unique visitors are only counted once, no matter how many times they visit the site during the specified time frame. Unique Visitors chart

To analyze, here are some examples of questions that you may ask yourself.  

  • Are the number of visitors increasing or decreasing over time? 
  • Is there a certain time period where more users are logging into the system, like during annual reviews?  
  • If the number of unique users isn’t what I was expecting, how do I increase the number of employees using the system?  

As a note: like with the Sessions chart, you may need to put this into context with how many employees have access.  

Time on Pages 

The Time on Pages chart shows the top ten pages that users averaged the most time viewing. This metric helps to assess user engagement by indicating how long visitors stay on a particular page before navigating away. However, it’s important to keep in mind that this metric can be a double-edged sword depending on how it is analyzed.  Time on Pages chart

To analyze, here are some examples of questions that you may ask yourself. 

  • Are these the documents being read the most? Or are users spending more time on the documents because the information is confusing or hard to digest?  
  • Have you mixed policies and procedures? Maybe that is why people are spending too much time on a document, which means you may need to break a document out into additional documents. 
  • Are documents used in time-specific tasks? For example, a document used during a 30-minute meeting is expected to have a higher time on page.  

Analyze Your Policy and Procedure Usage with Zavanta 

Analyzing policy and procedure usage is essential for ensuring that employees are consistently following the guidelines that keep an organization compliant, efficient, and aligned with industry standards.  

By tracking which policies are being accessed, how frequently, and by whom, organizations can identify gaps in employee understanding or engagement. This analysis helps to highlight outdated or underused policies that may need revision and ensures that critical procedures are easily accessible when needed. It also supports compliance, helping companies avoid legal risks and operational inefficiencies. 

Zavanta simplifies this analysis by providing detailed insights and analytics on policy and procedure usage. With Zavanta, organizations can track document access, monitor employee engagement with specific policies, and assess which procedures are being implemented effectively.  

Our solution’s analytics tools make it easy to identify trends, spot potential compliance risks, and ensure that employees are using the most current versions of policies. Zavanta empowers organizations to make data-driven decisions that improve policy effectiveness and ensure continuous compliance. 

Contact our team today to see how you can gain greater insight into your policies and procedures.  


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